Youtube video's

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Here will be a list of all the special youtube videos that will be posted by the team that show how to do skills that are know all over and skills that are just for TI members eyes only.

LAS : comming soon ( a skill that boost your cas overall speed by 2.5% and can be stacked for greater speed )

tutorial: incomplete

vid of it being done: incomplete

S&G : almost done ( a wasting skill only, that  can be used with any car and has a HUGE effect on killing masheen )

tutorial: incomplete

vid of it being done : complete! = made by macOSX ( thankyou )

Quick Hit : incomplete ( a racing only skill, that allows the user of the skill to lagg hit a cheakpoint )

tutorial: incomplete

vid of it being done: incomplete

Gliding: incomplete ( a racing skill, that allows the user to glide threw the air ) 

tutorial: incomplete

vid of it being done: incomplete

Bouncing: incomplete ( a racing skill, that allows the user to bounce like a bunny, holding all power at a stand still )

tutoriall: incomplete

vid of it being done: incomplete

Re-do: incomplete ( a  skill that allows the user to get a 2nd life in a wasting game, and a restart at the starting line of a racing game. )

turtoal: incomplete

vid of it being done: incomplete