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it has come to my attcion that there has been rule breakers in the team, and that they walk freely without being warned. So i have to make a point, ANYONE THAT BREAKS THE FOLLOWING RULES WILL BE WARNED AT 1st, AND THEN KICKED FROM THE TEAM ONCE THEY GET 3

Grand RULES:

1. no public video's of LAS on youtube. this will result in a perment ban.

2. no hacking. 1st = not able to join TI events( tourny's, personal training, ect ) 2nd = perment ban

3. no hacking other members. this will result in perment ban

4. no imposing other members. this will result in perment ban

Basic RULES:

 1. no flaming other members ( no making fun of, no bad mouthing the team ect )

2. no dirty racing ( if your losing a race, go ahead and waste, but once you beat 1st place. DONT GO RACING AGAIN!, its just unfair. this includes pushing another team member off the road on purpose [ if its an accent its fine because 99% of the time it is ] racing then wasting then after killing 1st place, racing again )

3. no grudges! ( mainly wasteing a team member OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN even if the team mate isnt in 1st place. this is consider as holding a grudge and defiles the main reason of the team, to be at peace. if your always aiming for just 1 person all the time, thats not being at peace, that wating revenge for something that person done )

 i will add more rules if trouble comes.



Q:how do i join TI

A:just ask me. if im not on, ask any TI member to pass it on to me and ill add you to the member list

Q: dose TI war other clans?

A: no, we ( TI ) try to be neutral

Q: if i left TI can i join back?

A: yes you may but, you will only have  two strike boxes instead of 3, ( [] )

Q: what is LAS and how do i use it?

A: LAS is a special ablility that is used for TI members only, it was founded by myself and is probley the hardest skill to learn