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Alright here is the members list of everyone in team infinty, aslo i have made a warning boxes ( [] ) if the box goes to a x ( [x] ) that means that person has a strike aginst his/her name for abusing a rule. 3 strikes and your out.:

TOTAL TEAM MEMBERS: 38/40 [ only 2 more members are allowed. ]

I have added mighty375

1.Viper( leader)  [][][]

2.Kitty [][][]

3.mattman [][][]

4.pineapple [][][]

5.Prayers [][] ( rejoined )

6.thelunatic9 [][][]

7.macOSX [][][] ( ban removed and all 3 boxes replaced )

8.plat99 [][][]

9.loser(white) [][][]

10.flynn [][][]

11.stig [][][]

12.bowser [][][]

13.bewket [][][]

14.speedmaster [][][]

15.edy [][][]

16.sonic ( in active member. )

17. theBlue@TI  [][][]

18.srilanka [x][][]

19.banangreat [][][]

20.pplloo [][][]

21.astro7459 [][][]

22.champion( or also know as TBITW ) [x][][]

23.radicalone1 [][][]

24.3334 [][][]

25.monsta [][][]

26.ichigo [][] ( re-joined )

27.theBest [][][]

28.AJ [][][]

29.Eric( aka McMonstaa ) [][][]

30.power [][][]

31.gare1234567 [][][] ( re-active member and all 3 boxes restored )

32.imi [][][]

33.joi [][][]

34.alex [][][]

35.RBD17 [][][]

36.minecraft [][][]

37.bluesaber [][][]

38.mighty375 [][][]

39. [ slot empty ]

40. [ slot empty ]